Make money safely with the Tweezer candlestick pattern in IQ Option
This review will show you how simple it is to apply the Tweezer candlestick pattern to earn $386 safely in IQ Option.
This review will show you how simple it is to apply the Tweezer candlestick pattern to earn $386 safely in IQ Option.
Price trend is the most important thing in analyzing price charts. Capturing a price trend means that you have an 80% chance of winning in IQ Option trading
EMA is an exponential moving average that is commonly used in IQ Option. In particular, it focuses a lot on the recent price movements and fluctuations.
Overbought and oversold are zones that have a high trend reversal rate. When combining with CCI indicator, you can increase your chances of winning.
Tweezer candlestick pattern is a reversal candlestick pattern. It usually appears at the top or bottom of an upward or downward price trend.