Try to get an epic trading record<\/figcaption><\/figure>\nDo you want a transaction history full of green orders (winning trades)? Are you proud compared to other traders whose winning\/losing rates are uneven, in which green orders alternate with red (losing) orders that do not look so good?<\/span><\/p>\nIf you enjoy it and want to show off to everyone about it on a regular basis, you are using money to buy \u201cbeauty\u201d. It really brings no benefit for your investment. It will make you forget your main goal which is to make a profit in the trading process. The \u201cbeauty\u201d factor does not decide you are a good investor. It only costs you money.<\/span><\/p>\nTrading is a job that needs humility (people who often boast usually trade very badly). Don’t make yourself lose money or a lot of money trying to beautify it for a little bit of meaningless honor. Remember, you only need money. And when you have money, everything is beautiful.<\/span><\/p>\n